Could CBD Help You Sleep Better?

If you struggle with insomnia or other sleep problems, you’re in the company of about ⅓ of Americans. According to the National Sleep Foundation, one in three people in the United States have trouble sleeping. Insomnia is the most common sleep disorder.

While doctors often prescribe sleep medications and they’re often very effective, they also come with a range of side effects. These include dizziness, headache, feeling drowsy during the day, and even becoming dependent so you can’t sleep without them. CBD, on the other hand, could be a safer alternative.

In this article, we'll take a closer look at how CBD might help you get a better night's sleep, and what you need to know before trying it for yourself.

What is CBD and How Does it Work?

CBD is just one of over 100 compounds found in the hemp plant, known as cannabinoids. While doctors don’t fully understand how it works in the body, it has been theorized that CBD interacts with your body's endocannabinoid system, which plays a role in regulating things like sleep, appetite, and physical discomfort.

Is There Evidence That CBD Helps With Sleep?

While research in this area is still in its early stages, several studies have investigated the effects of CBD on sleep. 

CBD for Insomnia and Sleep Related Disorders

  • In a 2019 study, researchers found that CBD may be an effective treatment for insomnia. Study participants took a 25 milligram of CBD capsule before bed. After one week of use, participants reported falling asleep faster and getting significantly better quality sleep.

  • Another 2019 study published in the Journal of Clinical Psychology found that CBD may help improve sleep quality in people with chronic insomnia. Participants reported a significant reduction in the time it took to fall asleep and overall improvement in sleep quality after taking CBD.

  • Another study published in the Journal of Clinical Psychology found that CBD may be effective in reducing symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), a condition that can interfere with sleep. Study participants took a daily dose of CBD for one month. They reported a significant reduction in nightmares and better sleep quality.

  • In 2020, a small study published in the Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine found that CBD may have a positive effect on the quality and duration of sleep in people with anxiety. Participants reported improved sleep quality and were able to sleep longer after taking CBD.

  • The Journal of Clinical Psychology published a study in 2019 which found that CBD could have a positive effect on the symptoms of REM Sleep Behavior Disorder (RBD), a condition that causes people to act out their dreams during sleep. While taking CBD, participants experienced a decrease in the frequency and intensity of RBD-related behaviors.

More research is needed to fully understand the effects of CBD on sleep. Many of these studies are limited by their sample size and lack of long-term follow-up. In addition to that, it should be noted that the effects of CBD on sleep can vary greatly from person to person. One individual may have great results while others see no difference.

How to Use CBD for Sleep

More research is needed to determine the best way to take CBD for sleep. But if you’re interested in trying it, there are a few things to keep in mind. 

First, it's important to buy high-quality CBD products from a reputable source. Look for products that have been third-party tested and have a certificate of analysis (COA) available from a third-party lab. 

CBD has been found to be safe even in high amounts, with no major side effects. However, you’ll still need to consider how your body reacts to find the right dosage for you. There is no one-size-fits-all amount, and your dose will depend on your individual needs and tolerance. As a point of reference, Fallow CBD oil serving size is 1 ml (one dropper) and there are 30 servings in the bottle. 

As with any dietary supplement you’ve never taken before, it’s usually wise to start with a smaller dose and gradually increase your intake as needed, depending on how your body responds. Consider talking with a health professional before taking CBD, especially if you're taking other medications.


CBD may indeed be a safe and effective option to help you sleep and reduce symptoms of insomnia and sleep disorders. While more research is needed to fully understand the potential benefits of CBD for sleep, early studies are promising. Perhaps the best way to know if CBD for sleep is right for you is to do your homework and then give it a try. Shop Fallow CBD oil for a pure, verified, and high quality source.